admin 3/29/2022
Stichting Museum Slot Loevestein

The following overview lists the visiting hours for Slot Loevestein in Poederoijen. Please note that opening hours on special days or holidays may differ from what is displayed here. We therefore recommend you to always check the opening hours on the Slot Loevestein website before your visit. Loevestein Castle (Slot Loevestein) is a medieval castle located in Gelderland.It was built by the knight Dirc Loef van Horne between 1357 and 1397. The castle was part of the historic Hollandic Water Line, the main Dutch defence line until the Second World War, and now serves as a medieval and archeological museum.
The French bivouac in front of the powder tower and the ammunition depot.
The terrain of the square at the second restoration site will be reserved for artillery and all traders.

The Allied camp will be located in the southeastern stronghold of Loevestein. The Dutch in the donkey field south of the powder tower.
All facilities are close to each camp, but with a slight separation.
Slot Loevestein Kasteel
For the elderly, children and those who are rapidly suffering from the cold, there will be sleeping places available in some buildings in the fortress.
Stichting Museum Slot Loevestein No Deposit
There will be luxury toilets available and the restaurant will also be open.